Vertigirls is a British Mountaineering Council (BMC) registered club.
We meet regularly to climb and boulder indoors in the Brighton and Hove area.
We run 4–7 outdoor trips every year (depending on funding) within the UK.
We strive to offer members instruction in trad climbing, sport climbing, and technique and movement.
All our courses and outings are highly subsidised with outside funding so that the activities are accessible to all members.
The outdoor trips cater for all abilities and levels of climbing from top-roping to leading. On the trips, our more experienced members are on hand or on occasions we hire a female climbing instructor to help everyone progress.
We use an app for closed members only groups. This is where we find climbing partners, post inspiring articles, ask advice about kit/training/injury recovery and generally communicate with each other.
We have an assortment of group kit that members may borrow to help them get started.
Through our BMC affiliation members have access to mountain huts and oodles of discounts at outdoor stores throughout the country as well as BMC personal liability insurance.
Currently membership fees are £35, or £22 if you are on a low wage/and or benefits. Membership is open to all women over the age of 18.
To find out more or request a membership form please contact us.